
Are some of the “Healthy” Foods you are eating making you ill?

Are some of the “Healthy” Foods you are eating making you ill?

by Jen Cherewaty RAc, RTCMP

(Acupuncturist, Herbal Alchemist and Food Lover)

My Son Finn

Several months ago my 5 year old son Finn was getting extensive yellow flakes on his scalp and behind his ears. Additionally, his stools were more loose than normal and he had dark circles under his eyes. I had a feeling that all of his symptoms were related to food allergies, so I finally did a Food Safe (blood spot) Allergy Test. Sure enough, his results showed a high sensitivity to eggs and all grains except oats, corn and buckwheat.

I eliminated all the foods that scored in the high sensitivity area and started him on a “gut healing protocol” and within 1 week the yellow flakes were gone, his stools went back to normal and the dark circles under his eyes disappeared. I was convinced!

Immunology 101~Food Allergy or Sensitivity?

The results from the Food Safe test provide information about your immune system and whether it is in conflict with various components of your diet. In any food reaction, the immune system reacts by releasing cells called antibodies. Two types of antibodies are produced in response to foods;

1. IgE (immunoglobulin E)

Food allergy is an immediate reaction within minutes of eating a reactive food (many peanut and shellfish allergies are common IgE reactions. If you have a sudden onset rash, closing of the throat, nausea, dizziness, please see an your doctor right away to investigate the potential cause of these serious food reactions. A skin-scratch test can measure these antibody levels.

2. IgG (Immunoglobulin G)

Food sensitivity reactions take hours or days to develop. In these reactions, the IgG antibodies attach themselves to the food particles. These complexes are normally removed by macrophages. If there are a many of these complexes and you are still eating the food, the macrophages may not be able to remove all the complexes. They may accumulate and are deposited in body tissues and have the potential to create inflammation.

Got Any of the Following?….

Common Symptoms which may be as a result of a Food Sensitivity:

•joint pain
•muscle pain, stiffness or swelling
•chronic low back pain
•bedwetting (mostly children)
•recurrent bladder infections
•frequent colds or flus (URI~upper respiratory tract infections)
•chronic headaches
•fatigue, fever, feeling weak, chills, sweating
•skin issues (itching, redness, swelling, rashes, eczema, hives, psoriasis, canker sores)
•digestive (heartburn, indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowels)

Easy Peasy…A Little Squeezy

Testing may be done with a blood test. These food sensitivities are determined by the ELISA method of testing.
1. Food Safe Bloodspot Test is a finger stick we can do at the clinic or send you in the mail and you can do it yourself.
2. Serum IGG/IGE – a blood draw is usually done in the office and can test a wide range of foods and inhalents that are specific to your geographical region.

Recovery 101:

1. Eliminate Foods that Are in the High Category (2-9 months)
2. Eat Foods in the Moderate Category only 1X Every 3-4 days
3. Nutritional supplements like fish oils may help to reduce inflammation. Amino acid and herbs like L-Glutamine, Slippery Elm, Licorice and Chinese Herb combinations like Golden Flower Pulsatilla Intestinal Formula assist macrophages in breakdown and heal the lining of the intestinal tract.
4. Acupuncture can boost digestion, reduce inflammation and address specific symptoms that you may be having in relation to your food sensitivities.

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Disclaimer: The information in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any health issue or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare professional. The author of this blog and the website do not bear any responsibility for any actions taken based on the information provided in this blog.

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