
Hormones & Toxins~5 Easy Ways to Decrease your Exposure

Hormones & Toxins~5 Easy Ways to Decrease your Exposure

Toxins in Your World?

If you are struggling to get pregnant, or have hormonal symptoms PMS, acne, or mood swings that appear related to your cycle, consider assessing your exposure to toxins. We live in an increasingly chemical world – one where it is estimated that we are exposed to roughly 700,000 toxins on a daily basis. There are chemicals in our food, our water, the air we breathe, the products that we use. Our bodies weren’t meant to process all those chemicals, and when they start to build up they can interfere with hormonal balance. This may sound dire, but fear not! We can make it easier on ourselves by limiting toxin exposure and supporting our bodies to eliminate them.

Five Easy Steps to Lower Toxin Exposure:

1. Avoid Plastics

Never store or heat food in plastic containers.
Choose glass containers to pack your lunch instead.

2. Choose Green Household Cleaners

Or make your own from baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils like peppermint or lavender. Try this quick, easy recipe.
All-Purpose Cleaning Spray
• 1 gallon hot water
• ½ cup liquid castile soap
• 1 tablespoon borax
• 10 drops essential oil (optional)
Combine all ingredients and pour into spray bottle. Use on tubs, tiles, counters, floors, appliances, etc.

3. Opt for Organic when Possible!

Most important to choose organic is animal products such as meat, or dairy. For produce, follow the Clean Fifteen/Dirty Dozen guidelines for the most important fruits and vegetables to source organically.

4. Choose Dark, Colourful Produce

Consider adding a cup of berries to your daily routine. The antioxidants found in dark pigmented fruits and veggies support natural detoxification.

5. Consider Cleansing

I recommend twice per year, in Spring and Fall. Speak with your ND or TCM Practitioner about the right option for you.

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Disclaimer: The information in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any health issue or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare professional. The author of this blog and the website do not bear any responsibility for any actions taken based on the information provided in this blog.

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