
Menopausal Changes

Menopausal Changes

by: Dr. Sanjay Moham Ram, ND

As women enter their menopausal years, they face a difficult decision. Their bodies’ production of estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones that are needed to maintain youthful vitality rapidly decline.

While individual effects of menopause vary widely, many women suffer because their bodies no longer produce sex hormones at sufficient levels required to optimally sustain critical physiological processes. Common Symptoms of Menopausal Hormonal Imbalance:
Depression, anxiety, short-term memory lapses, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, weight gain, low libido

Lifestyle Boost for Hormones

Almost completely ignored are lifestyle changes (such as assuring optimal vitamin D status and cruciferous vegetable intake) that may prevent and reverse the kind of damage to cell regulatory genes inflicted by some estrogenic compounds.

Three Cheers for A Comprehensive Approach!

Overall, there is data showing how women may more safely benefit from comprehensive approaches that naturally restore youthful hormone balance, while protecting aging cells against carcinogenic (cancer causing) and atherogenic (vessel plaque forming) insults.

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