Jen Cherewaty
Registered Acupuncturist (RAc), Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R. TCMP), BSc

Hello, I am Jen Cherewaty. Since 2005 I have been blessed to assist thousands of women & men and several children meet & exceed their health goals. I combine a deep knowledge & fascination of Chinese & functional medicine with a passion for helping people just like you become healthy & happier with acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, nutrition, health coaching & mindfullness. Whether you want to boost your fertility, reduce your back pain, increase your sleep, calm stress, improve your digestion or have a more efficient birth, I have the skills and experience to help you feel better.

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Registered Acupuncturist (RAc)
Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (RTCMP)
Fertility & Reproductive Health Specialist
Birth Doula

Why did I go back to school at 30 to become a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Acupuncturist?

In 1994 I was involved in a car accident that fractured two vertebrae in my lower back. My medical doctor recommended fusing my vertebrae together to stop the pain. Believing there must be another way to stop the pain, I went first to a chiropractor to re-align the bones, then for acupuncture and chinese herbal remedies to nourish and restore the muscles and tendons. I also started doing yoga regularly to strengthen and stretch . It took some time, but my back pain went away and a few other health issues that I had were resolved. I was amazed. So amazed that I enrolled into the first year of studies at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto. It was here that I began in depth study of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. I was smitten with this modality of health care and switched schools to study for 4 years and graduate with honours from the prestigious Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences (ACOS) in Nelson, BC.

What I Love about Chinese Medicine

Working as a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (RTCMP) and Registered Acupucnturist (RAc) since 2005, I have developed a deep understanding of using Chinese Medicine to improve health. Chinese Medicine is an effective holistic medicine that incoporates several healing modalities including acupuncture, acupressure, tuina massage, counselling, diet therapy and nutrition, cupping, gua sha-scraping, herbal oils and aromatherpy and chinese herbal medicine. I love that an indivicual can come into the clinic with a variety of health issues and different modalities of Chinese Medicine can be used to bring them to a more balanced state of health. Soon after we begin treatment, the patient begins to feel better, their belief in their ability to heal is strengthened and their health and happiness in life improve.


My deepest fascination within chinese medicine is the power of acupuncture to address a very wide spectrum of symptoms from pain, sport and work related injuries, sleeplessness, mental emotional symptoms and headaches, to women’s health, fertility, menopause and much more with great success.

Chinese Herbal Medicine

My greatest interest within Chinese Medicine is with the Chinese Herbs. The vast pharmacy of powerful & effective chinese herbs allows me to prescribe prepared tablets or capsules to patients to enhance their healing. Additionally, writing and ordering custom herbal powders or capsules for people which address each individuals treatment plan and seeing the health improvements that come after taking the herbs.

Women’s Health, Fertility, Pregnancy & Birth & Postpartum

As a mom of a son born in 2009 and former childcare worker, I hold a special interest in family and women’s health. I treat all stages of a woman’s life cycle including menstrual issues, fertility, birth, postpartum and menopause. My interest in fertility & birthing led me to train as a Doula~Birth Attendant and complete my final year thesis studies on using Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture during Pregnancy, Birth and Post Partum. It is a deep honour to participate in the process of regulating menstrual cycles, enhancing fertility and caring for women during pregnancy and recovery in the post-partum period. My work and understanding of fertility has also led me to provide herbal, acupuncture and mental-emotional support for women & their partners that are undergoing assisted reproductive procedures including IVF, IUI etc.

Mental Emotional Symptoms & Sleep Issues

After 4 years of studying, I didn’t sleep so well in my last year of school and then again after I stopped breastfeeding my son. Chinese herbal medicine, diet therapy, acupuncture and restorative exercise helped me get my sleep pattern back and I hold deep compassion for those with sleep issues and have deep understanding of how to help them get their sleep on track.

Yoga and Meditation

In addition to qualifications as a Registered TCM Practitioner, I am an Anusara trained yoga teacher. I started yoga after a recommendation for hip pain from my physiotherapist and have now been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 12. I often give patients simple yoga exercises to improve muskuloskeletal issues. Additionally, if patients wish during treatments, I verbally invite them into deep relaxation where they can allow the body to rest, the mind to stretch and the soul to blossom.

What I did before

Born and raised in Ontario, Canada, I was always intrigued by the west, the natural world and also had an interest in medicine. I attended Queens University at Kingston where I completed my Bachelor of Science in Biology. Afterwards, a fascination for mountains and nature led me to work as a naturalist for Parks Canada in Yoho and Banff National Parks. It was here that I became and avid hiker and started learning the medicinal uses of all the plants I could. I started studying herbal medicine by correspondence and then wanted to know more, so began my studies.

My Inspirations

Nowdays, when I am not at the clinic, I am hiking or cross country skiing in the mountains, wandering the oceanside on bike or foot or pulling weeds & watering carrots & zucchinis in my garden, all with my dear son Finn alongside.

Top female acupuncturist in Vancouver as per RateMDs!

“I’ve had an amazing experience here. Jen is a very knowledgeable, informative & caring person. Her ongoing pursuit of new & relevant information has helped me greatly. If you are having fertility issues, try! She has encouraged & helped me greatly in my journey.”
Sarah Mellinghouse

I look forward to every appointment. Not only has Jen been able to treat my symptoms with success, I feel that her calm presence and thoughtful and caring personality is a true gift. Highly recommended!
Tara Sherman

“Jen is a professional, caring acupuncturist that has helped me immensely with a herniated disc. When other treatment options were unsuccessful, her knowledge and skill has led me through to a successful recovery. Her calming manner adds to the relaxation of the treatments! “
Tracey Larmour

Headache, Back Pain, Joint Pain
Jen Cherewaty graciously agreed to see me while i was visiting Vancouver. She was thorough, attentive and treated my chronic headache. Now, a week later, I have had no symptoms of headache or joint aches. I highly recommend her for her manner, patience and knowledge. It is a wonderful experience to find such a caring and thoughtful and excellent provider.
Thank you
Megan Landauer

I went to Jen after a recommendation from a friend. I was 40 years old and had been trying to conceive for 3 years with 4 unsuccessful IUI’s. Jen found the root of my issues through hormone panel testing, guided me thorough a cleanse and recommended herbal supplements to balance my hormones. I just gave birth to my precious little boy 2 weeks ago and am so thankful.

I have been seeing Jen Cherewaty for acupuncture and TCM for a few years now. I was referred to Jen during my first pregnancy. Jen’s treatments are always so relaxing and are appointments I actually get excited about. I had such an amazingly easy pregnancy and I attribute most of that to Jen’s treatments. I am seeing her during my second pregnancy and so far have had similar wonderful results.
SaraJane Kramer

I’ve been seeing Jen Cherewaty for Acupuncture and TCM treatments since 2012. She is the most thorough and compassionate health care provider I’ve ever met, and I highly recommend her. She has greatly improved my health. I can honestly say she has changed my life. Try her for yourself
Fiona Lehn

Jen is such an awesome practitioner. From the moment I met her, she met with a sense of calm and understanding. Especially when you are going through such a difficult time like infertility and miscarriage…it was just so nice to have someone not only understand but be able to help! Jen also was able to treat my insomnia and digestion issues. My cycles are much more stable and improvement was seen after every session. Jen truly cares about all her patients and I wish every medical professional was like this. I look forward to every session I have with her!

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